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Raphael rescued Spike after he had been flushed down a toilet, and into the sewers. Spike's favorite food is lettuce leaves and is sometimes seen chewing on a leaf. Raphael has a soft spot for Spike, and often talks to Spike about the important parts of his life in private. This is important for Raphael as he needs Spike as a sounding board for his inner thoughts and feelings. He can't reveal his feelings to his brothers because he doesn't want to seem "soft", so he shares them with Spike, who can't speak, but is an excellent listener. His brothers sometime tease him about this. Raphael often plays with Spike and coos at him as well as allowing Spike to ride around on his shoulder, frequently using his pet for personification.

Later, Spike mutated into Slash and tries to kill the Turtles. At first, when Raphael discovers that Spike mutated from the mutagen, Slash suggests that they work together (without the others), which Raphael agrees sounds good. However, he reconsiders matters when Slash starts attacking the others and collecting their bandannas. Raphael ultimately defeats Slash by pressing a pressure point on his arm. As Slash begins to fall off of a building ledge, Raphael attempts to save him, but is too late and he falls off of the building. Raphael then looks away, however, when he looks back, he finds that Slash is gone.

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