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Stealth Bike

The Stealth Bike

Control: Ex
Speed: Rm
Body: Ex
Protection: Gd

-Armored Form: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Stealth: Ex ability to blend in with the road
-Snow Tires: Allows Rm rank traction in snow and ice.
-Headlight: Gd illumination
-Remote Control Mode: The Shell Cycle can be remote controlled with Am ability within the Shellraiser.

Helmet: Raphael also wears a helmet when riding this cycle that lessens the damage from impacts by -1cs


The Stealth Bike was built by Donatello. The bike is stored within the floor of the Shellraiser, and Raphael drives it. Among the bike's unique features, it can protect its rider with a shield in the shape of a turtle shell. This shield is also the color of pavement on roads so when the shield is up, it is practically invisible to anything looking down on it.